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Twelve Apostles

Twelve Apostles - A group of naturally formed limestone columns standing in the sea just off the shore in Port Campbell National Park, on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria, Australia. The columns are the result of erosion and vary in thickness and height.

Twelve Apostles

The Twelve Apostles are natural  rocks protruding from the ocean near the coast. Interestingly, there are not 12 of them. But that doesn't change the fact that it is the most visited and photographed place in Australia.

Practical information

Twelve Apostles can  watch while walking on the wooden viewing platform. It's about 15 minutes. walk.  There are rocks on both sides of the platform - there is 8 on the right  rocks, left 2. There are crowds of people and lots of flies on the platform. Frankly speaking, the phenomenon of the Twelve Apostles is strange. The rocks can also be admired during a helicopter sightseeing flight. They fly literally every 5 minutes.

Descent to the beach

Walking from the parking lot, a longer one, approx. 30 minutes. along the route, you can walk to the beach. The one where 2 rocks of the Twelve Apostles reign. There were much less people here, and the beautiful cliff is really worth seeing.


Twelve Apostles is at  route  between Adelaide and  Melbourne. Sightseeing takes from 15 minutes to 1 hour, so it's best to pass through here. Coming from Cape Jervis it is approx. 740 km.

Dwunastu Apostołów: Usługi
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